Southern Constitution and Bylaws
Southern Connecticut State University Chapter
(Revised May 1989)
Article I --Name of Organization
The name of the organization shall be the Southern Connecticut State University Chapter of the American Association of the University Professors (SCSU-AAUP, or the Chapter). This organization is one of the constituent units of the Connecticut State University American Association of University Professors (CSU-AAUP) and is a chapter of the national American Association of University Professors (AAUP).
Article II -- Objectives
The SCSU-AAUP shall promote the professional and economic interests of the SCSU faculty. To this end, SCSU-AAUP shall work with CSU-AAUP and shall follow and implement the policies and standards recommended by the national AAUP wherever possible and appropriate. In cooperation with CSU-AAUP, SCSU-AAUP shall provide fair and adequate representation through collective bargaining and grievance procedures to all members of the faculty. Special efforts shall be made to ensure that all segments of the faculty gain equity through the bargaining process. SCSU-AAUP shall encourage research, cultural activities and other intellectual pursuits in concert with students and administrators.
Article III -- Membership
Only individuals with appointments at SCSU who are eligible for membership in national AAUP are eligible for membership in SCSU-AAUP. There shall be four categories of membership: Active, Associate, Graduate Student, and Emeritus.
(a) Active membership shall be automatic to every member of CSU-AAUP. Active members shall have the right to vote, serve on committees, participate at meetings and, after six months, hold office.
(b) Associate Membership shall be automatic to every associate member of AAUP. Associate members may, with the approval of the Executive Committee, participate without the right to vote, hold office, serve on committees, or attend certain meetings.
(c) Graduate Student Membership shall be automatic to every graduate student member of AAUP. Graduate student members shall have the right to serve on committees and participate at meetings; they shall not have the right to vote or hold office.
(d) Emeritus Membership shall be automatic to every emeritus member of AAUP. Emeritus members shall have the right to serve on committees and participate at meetings; they shall not have the right to vote.
Article IV -- Officers
(a) Officers shall be President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. They shall be elected from the eligible active membership by secret ballot for two-year terms that shall begin May 1. Their duties shall be those normally associated with these offices, including, but not necessarily limited to, the specific items in paragraphs (b) through (f) of this Article.
(b) The President shall assume executive responsibility for all organizational activities of the Chapter, preside over meetings of the Chapter and of the Executive Committee, be a member ex officio of all committees, be a member ex officio of the CSU-AAUP Council, and represent the Chapter, in person or through a delegate, at appropriate national and state AAUP meetings.
(c) The First Vice President shall assume such functions and responsibilities as the President may delegate, in the absence of or incapacity of the President shall act as President, and shall be the alternate to the CSU-AAUP Council.
(d) The Second Vice President shall oversee the maintenance and coordination of communications between membership and the Executive Committee, chair the elections committee, and shall assume such additional functions and responsibilities as the President may delegate.
(e) The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping minutes of Chapter and Executive Committee meetings and maintaining membership records and rolls.
(f) The Treasurer shall pay all bills approved by the Executive Committee, keep all Chapter accounts and prepare an annual financial report for presentation to the Executive Committee.
(g) In case of vacancy in the office of the President, the First Vice President shall succeed to that office on an interim basis. In case of a vacancy of any other office, the President may make an interim appointment. A special election to fill any vacated office shall be held if the unexpired term exceeds six months.
(h) Removal of officers shall be initiated by a majority vote of the Executive Committee or by petition of ten (10) percent of the active membership. Elected officers may be removed by a majority vote of the active membership.
Article V -- Council Representatives
(a) SCSU-AAUP shall be represented on the CSU-AAUP Council according to the provisions of the CSU-AAUP Constitution. Only eligible active members shall serve as Council Representative or alternate.
(b) In case of a vacancy in the office of elected Council Representative, the alternate from the Chapter shall succeed to that office on an interim basis. A special election to fill any vacated office shall be held if the unexpired term exceeds eight months.
(c) Removal of elected Council Representatives shall be initiated by a majority vote of the Executive Committee or by petition of ten (10) percent of the active membership. Elected Council Representatives may be removed by majority vote of the active membership.
Article VI -- Executive Committee
(a) The Executive Committee shall act on behalf of the membership in carrying out the purposes of the organization. To this end, the Executive Committee may establish committees, delegate authority to committees or individuals, call meetings of the Chapter and call for special elections.
(b) The membership of the Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers, the immediate past President, the Council Representatives, the Contract Administrator and the chairpersons of standing committees. Only active members shall serve on the Executive Committee, although any other individual may be invited as a continuing or temporary non-voting member.
(c) A quorum for the Executive Committee shall be a majority of the regular members of the committee. Decisions shall be by a majority of those voting.
(d) Any action of the Executive Committee shall be reversed by a majority vote of the active membership. Such a vote shall be conducted by the Executive Committee upon receipt of a petition to that effect from ten (10) percent of the active membership.
Article VII - Elections
(a) Election of officers and Council Representatives and alternates shall be by secret ballot of the active membership of SCSU-AAUP. A majority of the votes cast shall be required for election. If no candidate for an office receives a majority of the votes cast, there shall be a run-off election for that office between the two top vote-getters (and all those who tie them).
(b) By February 1, the Executive Committee will select an Elections Committee consisting of five active members, including the Second Vice President, who shall chair the committee. Any Elections Committee member who is or becomes a candidate for any office shall be replaced by another active member. The Second Vice President, if a candidate, shall be replaced by another Executive Committee member to act as chair. The committee shall call for nominations, publicize the nominations and election, and be responsible for the preparation, distribution, collection and counting of the ballots.
(c) Any active member may nominate himself or herself or any other member, if eligible, for any office. Nomination shall be by a written statement to the chairperson of the Elections Committee which gives the name of the nominee, the office for which nominated, the signed consent of the nominee and the names and signatures of two (2) active members who recommend the nomination.
(d) The Elections Committee shall establish the dates for nominations and elections, provided at least fifteen (15) calendar days are allowed for nominations from the membership.
Article VIII -- Dues
(a) No dues shall be assessed by SCSU-AAUP directly from its members.
(b) All dues for active members shall be established according to the provisions of the CSU-AAUP Constitution and paid directly to CSU-AAUP.
(c) All dues for members in other categories shall be set by, and paid directly to, national AAUP.
Article IX -- Chapter Meetings
At least one meeting of the chapter shall be held each semester. The Executive Committee may call additional meetings. The Executive Committee shall convene a chapter meeting upon receipt of a petition to that effect from five (5) percent of the membership.
Article X -- Constitutional Amendments
(a) Amendment to this constitution shall be initiated by majority vote of the Executive Committee or by a petition of five (5) percent of the membership.
(b) This constitution shall be amended provided at least 1/3 of the membership vote and at least 2/3 of those voting approve.
Article XI -- Ratification
The ratification of this constitution and bylaws shall be by the majority of the membership of the SCSU-AAUP.
1. Chapter Meetings
(a) A quorum at Chapter meetings shall be five percent of the active membership, but not less than fifteen (15) members.
(b) Minutes of all chapter meetings shall be taken by the Secretary and shall be available to any member.
2. Standing Committees
(a) There shall be five (5) standing committees: a Grievance Committee, a Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure (Committee A), a Collective Bargaining Committee, a Committee on Legislative Support, and a Committee on the Status of Women in the Academic Profession (Committee W).
(b) The President, in consultation with the Executive Committee, shall appoint the chairpersons and the members of each of the Standing Committee for one-year terms commencing on May 31 of each year. Each Committee shall consist of at least three members, a majority of whom, including the chair, shall be active members.
(c) The Grievance Committee shall be responsible for processing grievances of unit members, for identifying and advising the Executive Committee and membership of general trends and issues in grievances and for maintaining records on grievances. Chapter grievances shall be drafted and filed by the Grievance Committee chair when so directed by the Executive Committee.
(d) Each Standing Committee shall meet initially by June 15 to receive its charge from the President and to clarify procedures, and shall meet subsequently as needed to discharge its duties. The Grievance Committee chair shall report to the Executive Committee at its first meeting of each month. Chairpersons of other committees shall report as requested by the Executive Committee.
(e) The Executive Committee can, in addition, appoint ad hoc committees from time to time for specified purposes and specified time periods.
3. Contract Administrator
The Contract Administrator shall facilitate the implementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The President, in consultation with the Executive Committee, shall appoint the Contract Administrator for a one-year term commencing on May 31 of each year.
4. Amendments
(a) Amendments to these bylaws shall be initiated either by majority vote of the Executive Committee or by petition of five (5) percent of the membership.
(b) These bylaws shall be amended provided at least 1/3 of the membership vote and at least 2/3 of those voting approve.
-revised May 2005-