VIRTUAL EVENT: Defending Immigrant Students & Colleagues
March 4, 2025
CSU-AAUP is cohosting a Zoom webinar with Yale AAUP about immigration issues on Thursday, March 6 from 7-8:30 p.m.

CSU-AAUP is cohosting a Zoom webinar with Yale AAUP about immigration issues on Thursday, March 6 from 7-8:30 p.m.
CSU-AAUP members walked out of a presentation by consultant firm NCHEMS at the Dec. 5 BOR meeting. The report recommends reducing personnel at the CSUs, even though faculty are already doing much more work with much fewer resources.
CSU-AAUP held a joint press conference with The 4Cs on Nov. 14 to call on Gov. Lamont and the Legislature to do the right thing and properly fund public higher education.
CSU-AAUP's PAC makes endorsements for state elections every cycle. Remember to go out and vote on November 5!
Daniela de Sousa is a part-time faculty member at ECSU in the sculpture department and owner of a ceramics studio.
CSU-AAUP showed up at the State Capitol to lobby for more funding, as well as advocate for certain bills.
New slate wins officer positions at AAUP National, promises to fight more for higher education.
CSU-AAUP's Council passed a resolution defending the right to free speech and peaceful protest. You can read the resolution's language below.
The SEBAC coalition of public sector unions has secured a framework for our wage reopener. Read answers to common questions below.
On Feb. 28, ECSU-AAUP Secretary Kristen Morgan and ECSU student Jennifer Croughwell spoke with John Murphy on WILI radio about the current budget crisis.
CSU-AAUP and its coalition allies held a press conference ahead of the Appropriations Committee hearing on higher education on Feb. 20. At least 200 members, allies and students gathered at the Capitol to testify and support others.
In this short session, we are focused on protecting our students by advocating for the funding they deserve.
CSU-AAUP and the 4Cs held a joint press conference on Feb. 5, at the State Capitol to call for emergency funding for the CSCU System during the 2024 legislative session. We are asking for $160 million, which would allow the system to roll back cuts to services and tuition hikes. Read the coverage below.
Students from the universities and community colleges spoke out against tuition hikes at the Dec. 14 BOR meeting. However, the board still chose to pass a 5% increase of tuition and fees across the system.