Part-Time Member Benefits
In 1983, the General Assembly passed legislation enabling part-time Connecticut state employees, including part-time faculty, the right to bargain collectively. In an election that followed, CSU part-time faculty chose AAUP as their bargaining agent.
The 1982-84 Collective Bargaining Agreement was amended to cover part-time faculty. Prior to their first contract, the part-time faculty had received only one raise in ten years. Since then, through a series of increases, minimum part-time salaries have more than quadrupled. In addition, CSU-AAUP has been able to improve working conditions for part-time faculty. All faculty now have voicemail, email accounts, and mailboxes.
Effective fall 2007, part-time faculty who teach nine or more load credits across ANY of the state’s public colleges and universities are now eligible for state subsidized healthcare. Further, in the 2007-2011 Contract, CSU-AAUP negotiated a $300 course cancellation fee (if cancelled within 7 business days prior to the first day of classes) and the possibility of multi-semester contracts. CSU-AAUP and CCSU-AAUP continue to work towards further improvements such as adequate office space, computer access, and secretarial support.
Part-Time Faculty Rights
Health Care Premiums: Part-time faculty may purchase health and/or dental coverage at an assigned group rate. Please also note that part-time faculty who teach nine or more load credits across CSU, UConn, or the Community Colleges (ex: six credits at Central and three credits at Capital) are eligible to receive reimbursement from the state for their health care premiums during the academic year. Faculty can pay to maintain their health insurance over the summer. Please contact your local Human Resources office for more information.
Pension Benefits: Pursuant to Article 14.2.1 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, “Part-time members shall have the right to join or refuse to join the State Employees Retirement System or Teachers Retirement System . . . or the Alternate Retirement Plan for Higher Education.” The Alternate Retirement Plan currently requires part-time faculty to contribute 6.5% of their salaries to a pension plan, while the state contributes 6.5% to the plan. A Hybrid Retirement Plan was created in 2011.
Faculty Travel & Development Funds: 10% of the funds allocated for faculty travel and development are designated for the exclusive use of part-time faculty. Faculty travel money can be used to attend a professional conference, seminar or workshop. Faculty development funds can be used to attend a program or workshop to learn a new skill and/or enhance your abilities as a university professional. Take advantage of this benefit!
Faculty ID Cards: All part-time faculty are urged to obtain an ID card. While the uses of the card varies by campus, an ID card must be obtained prior to obtaining a parking pass and doubles as a library card on all campuses.
Parking Permit: All CSU part-time faculty are entitled to parking permits. Please contact your campus police for more information.
Bookstore Discount: Use your faculty ID to receive a 10% discount on books, clothing, and other purchases from any CSU Bookstore.
Tax Sheltered Annuity (403b): Available to all part-time faculty. Salary deductions will be made on a pre-tax bi-weekly (per pay period) basis. A minimum of $25 is required to start. You can set aside up to approximately 25% of your annual salary.
Telephone and Voicemail: Voicemail is provided for all part-time faculty. Those who are interested in obtaining voicemail boxes should request one through their department chairperson. For part-time faculty who do not have an office or telephone on campus, voicemail can be remotely accessed from any telephone, making it convenient for faculty and their students.
Library Privileges: The Faculty ID will entitle you to library privileges. Other library privileges vary on each campus.
University Course Privileges: There are course privileges, on a space available basis, for part-time members employed for 18 or more load credits. See Article 13.13 in the Collective Bargaining Agreement for more information.
Salary Groups: There are currently six salary groups for part-time faculty. Make sure you are in the right group and are being paid the appropriate amount. See the AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement Article 12.8.
Unemployment Compensation
Please see the memo written by CSU-AAUP’s Attorney (12/17/10).
Connecticut General Statutes Section 31-227(d)(1) states:
“…benefits shall not be paid based on services performed in an instructional…capacity for an educational institution for any week of unemployment commencing during the period between two successive academic years, or during a similar period between two regular terms, whether or not successive…to any individual if such individual performs such services in the first of such academic years (or terms) and if there is a contract or reasonable assurance that such individual will perform services in any such capacity for an educational institution in the second of such academic years or terms….”
Considerations in determining whether a faculty member has “reasonable assurance” that s/he will be teaching in subsequent academic year or term:
- Whether there is a written contract or explicit promise for the following semester.
- Whether there is an implied agreement or mutual understanding that the employee will perform services in the same capacity during the ensuing academic year.
- Whether the agreement is conditional.
- If the assurance is conditional, then the administrator examines the claimant’s prior employment history – but only if a job offer has been communicated by the institution to the faculty member.
- This requires that the faculty member has been given some affirmative indication of rehire, either written or oral from employer.
- Where employment is dependent on course enrollment or other similar factors (such as bumping by full-time faculty members), a pattern of course cancellations resulting in no employment in the past would be substantial evidence of absence of reasonable assurance.
- If the employment history indicates that courses have always been available or have been cancelled only infrequently, then conditional factors would not preclude a finding of reasonable assurance.
- Reasonable assurance is determined based upon the factual situation as it exists at the time the claim for unemployment benefits is filed.
- If there is no reasonable assurance at the time of the claim but the faculty member is subsequently offered a contract, s/he is disqualified from receiving benefits only from that point forward – would not be retroactive.
Internal Grants and Funding Opportunities
Part-time Faculty Development Grants: As described in Article 9.6 of the CSU-AAUP Collective Bargaining Agreement funds are allocated for faculty development defined as, “activities by and for members that enhance their ability to be productive and innovative professionals." A separate pool of funds is available for projects proposed by part-time faculty.
Eligibility: Individual part-time faculty members, groups of faculty members working within departments or interdepartmental programs, and groups of faculty organized to address issues of broad departmental, school or university impact.
Purpose: Disseminating and promulgating creative activities appropriate to one’s field/discipline; taking courses/or attending conferences, workshops, seminars relevant to one’s field/discipline (generally registration fees only); hiring consultants/speakers with specific expertise; and engaging in activities which contribute to the acquisition of materials, development and extension of skills related to teaching, scholarship and professional service.
Funding limits: None.
Deadlines: Please contact your local campus for deadlines