- What is in the framework? All units get a 2.5% general wage increase, plus a step (and a top step payment, for units who have those). For units that don’t have steps, 2% in lieu of step is included in the agreement as per our historic practice.
- What happens next? A ratification vote will be scheduled for each bargaining unit, including CSU-AAUP. We are hopeful that all bargaining units will ratify this agreement which will allow us all to bring the ratified agreement to the General Assembly for approval before the end of Session in May. Look out for emails about the vote after spring break.
- What happens if a bargaining unit doesn’t ratify the tentative agreement? A bargaining unit that fails to ratify the tentative agreement would return to local negotiations and/or arbitration. Bargaining units who do approve the agreement would continue towards legislative approval previously mentioned.
- But isn’t higher education facing a huge deficit? Does this framework worsen those financial states? This agreement includes an understanding that the general assembly would abide by its obligation to fund the costs of the agreement in block funded institutions like higher education.
- Higher education is facing lay-offs and major deficits, what does this framework do to address those? The higher education crisis is situated within the 2024 legislative session as a budget fight. While this framework provides assurances that these raises will not further exacerbate this funding crisis, SEBAC is committed to fighting for full permanent funding of our higher education system through legislative means.
SEBAC Wage Reopener FAQ
March 6, 2024
The SEBAC coalition of public sector unions has secured a framework for our wage reopener. Read answers to common questions below.