CSU-AAUP Constitution
ARTICLE I – Name of Organization
The name of the organization shall be the Connecticut State University American Association of University Professors. This organization is an affiliate of the national American Association of University Professors.
ARTICLE II – Objectives
The CSU-AAUP shall represent the professional and economic interests of the State University faculties. It shall follow and implement the policies and standards recommended by the national AAUP wherever possible and appropriate. The CSU-AAUP shall provide fair and adequate representation through collective bargaining and grievance procedures to all members of the faculty. Special efforts shall be made to insure that all segments of the faculty gain equity through the bargaining process.
ARTICLE III – Membership
Any member of the Connecticut State University instructional faculty bargaining unit shall become a member in the CSU-AAUP upon payment of the authorized dues and signing of a membership application. Only CSU-AAUP members shall have the right to participate except as provided in Article VIII. Any individual who is not employed in a bargaining unit position in a given semester, but who was a member so employed in the previous semester may extend membership for one semester following the last semester of employment by paying dues equal to the dues amount paid the previous semester.
ARTICLE IV – Officers
(A) Officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. They shall be elected by secret ballot of the membership for two-year terms that shall begin June 1 of odd-numbered years. Their duties shall be those normally associated with these offices, including but not necessarily limited to the specific items in paragraphs B, C, D, and E of this Article.
(B) The President shall, with the approval of the Council, assume executive responsibility for all organizational activities, preside over meetings of the Council and general meetings of the CSU-AAUP membership, be a member ex officio of all committees, and represent the organization, in person or through a delegate, at national and state AAUP meetings.
(C) The Vice President shall assume such functions and responsibilities as the President may delegate and in the absence of or temporary incapacity of the President shall act as President.
(D) The Secretary shall be responsible for the taking and maintaining of the minutes at Council and general membership meetings, maintaining membership records and rolls, and shall carry out any other duties and responsibilities delegated by the President or the Council. In the absence of both the President and Vice-President, the Secretary shall act as President.
(E) The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting all dues and assessments, paying all bills approved by the Council, keeping all CSU-AAUP accounts, arranging for a yearly audit of these accounts, preparing an annual budget and financial report and presenting this to the Council, and shall carry out any other duties and responsibilities delegated by the President or the Council.
(F) In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall assume that office for the remainder of the unexpired term. In the event of a vacancy in any other office, the President shall, within two weeks, name an interim replacement, with the advice and consent of the Council. If the length of the unexpired term is more than six months a special election shall be held to fill the position, following the procedures of Article IV.
(G) Removal of officers shall be initiated by a majority vote of the Council or by petition of ten percent (10%) of the membership. Elected officers may be removed by a majority of the membership.
ARTICLE V – Council
The CSU-AAUP shall be governed by a Council composed of the officers of the CSU-AAUP, the immediate past President, the four Chapter Presidents, and one representative elected from each university chapter for every 150 members of the bargaining unit or fraction thereof employed at that campus. The immediate past President shall serve on Council for two years following completion of the term of office as President. An alternate shall be elected from each chapter and shall serve in the absence of any representative. Representatives shall serve staggered two-year terms that shall begin June 1. Any member who is a member of the national AAUP Council shall be an ex-officio non-voting member of this Council. A majority of the Council shall constitute a quorum. Members of the Council may be recalled by their chapters at any time by a majority vote. Provisions for recall shall be adopted into all chapter constitutions and by-laws. The duties of the Council shall include:
(A) Selection and instruction of the bargaining team. Such instruction will include responsibility for safeguarding rights of special groups including, but not limited to, librarians, counselors, women and minorities. In addition provision for bargaining of individual specific campus issues shall be provided.
(B) Authorization to invoke binding arbitration in the event of an impasse in bargaining.
(C) Appointment of officials and committees necessary to fulfill the purposes of the organization.
(D) Recommendation to the membership of the amount of dues and assessments.
(E) Establishment of such by-laws and regulations as are necessary to carry out the purposes of the organizations. Such by-laws shall not be inconsistent with this constitution.
(F) Publication of regular reports of its activities and financial status to the bargaining unit.
(G) Creation and adoption of a budget and disbursement of funds.
(H) Maintenance of relations with state and national AAUP and other appropriate agencies.
ARTICLE VI – Elections
(A) Election of officers shall be by secret ballot of the membership of the CSU-AAUP. A Nominations/Elections Committee shall be selected by the Council to solicit nominations from the membership, nominate additional individuals if desired or needed, and oversee the election. No nominee for any office may serve on the Committee. The Committee shall notify the membership of the pending election by February 1, and shall establish and publish a timetable which shall assure that nominations will be accepted for at least a thirty day period, that nominations will be closed at least twenty days prior to the date of the election, and that the election will be held in sufficient time for the results to be reported to the membership by May 1, barring the need for a runoff vote. Any member may nominate himself or herself, or any other member, for any position as officer. Nomination shall be by a written statement to the chair of the Nominations/Elections committee and shall contain the name and address of the nominee, the position for which the individual is being nominated, the signatures, names and addresses of two members who recommend the nomination, and the signed consent of the nominee.
(B) Election of Chapter Officers and Council representatives shall be by secret ballot. Chapter constitution and by-laws shall provide an election procedure, which allows any chapter member to nominate himself or herself or any other chapter member for these positions.
Dues shall be recommended by the Council and ratified by the membership.
(A) The authorized dues level continues to apply until changed.
(B) The Council shall review the dues structure annually and make recommendations to the membership if any changes are necessary.
(C) Changes in dues structure shall be ratified by a majority vote of the membership in a secret ballot election after receiving due notice.
(D) Dues may be collected by a voluntary check off arrangement in accordance with applicable provisions of the Connecticut State laws.
ARTICLE VIII – Ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreements
Ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreements shall be by secret ballot of the members of the bargaining unit and shall require the approval of a majority of those voting.
ARTICLE IX – Chapter Constitutions
Current chapter constitutions and by-laws shall be on file with the Council, and shall be consistent with this Constitution.
ARTICLE X – General Meetings
General meetings may be called by majority vote of the Council when deemed necessary and appropriate. Meetings shall also be called upon receipt by the Council of petition signed by five percent (5%) of the membership. All meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised).
ARTICLE XI – Constitution Amendment
This constitution shall be amended by the following procedure:
(A) At least one-quarter of the membership vote, and
(B) Two-thirds of all those voting approve.
(C) Amendments shall be initiated either by the Council or by petition of five percent (5) of the membership.
Amended May 1988 Constitution